抗震型地坪变形缝装置Flush Seismic/Floor Expansion joint covers接缝平整、隐蔽性好适应抗震及大位移要求中心板可嵌制不同材质的装饰材料为适应一些地震多发地区特殊建筑设计需要,我公司开发设计了一系列抗震变形装置。当地震发生时,带有抗震弹簧的滑杆在受力后,产生变形,可是变形装置中心板沿着边框上升,以保护接缝周边建筑结构不受毁坏;当应力消除后,会自动恢复到原有平整状态。Flush floor finish Minimum visibleFull seismic operationAccept different floor finishesIn order to meet the different architects need in some seismic area,we design&develop a series of flush seismic expansion joint covers.During the seismic movement,the turn bar with the seismic relief spring are contracted,the center plate will be displaced by bided up the frames,which can protect the construction not be damaged.After seismic,the center pan returns to normal.